Author: Restaurant Gal

  • Cuts Like A Knife

    It is cold. Again. Not cold like the 40-inches-on-the-ground-cold in D.C. Not cold like the 4 to 8 inches about to fall in Atlanta tonight. But Keys cold: 40s at night, 60s during the day. Cold enough to make the tourists happy not to be anywhere north, but disappointed enough that it’s not warm enough…

  • Many Thanks, SFDB

    Recognition is always nice, as is the surprise when it is quite unexpected. This month, two RG “posts of the week” are up for “Post of the Month” by the South Florida Daily Blog. Kind of cool. This is not a shameless ploy to garner votes. Truly. It is, however, a huge nod to the…

  • Back Online

    Moving is always fun, especially reconnecting all the “stuff.” Had some down time, but all is right once again. Stories coming soon. –RG

  • Key West Isn’t for Everyone

    Rouletta and I (along with my great guy) were so excited to move to Key West a few months ago. After all, I had a wonderful career opportunity in event planning that promised salary, commission, bonuses! Too bad that $13 hourly “training” pay became my real pay, even after five weeks. But hey, Key West…

  • A Quarter Century of Baby Love

    It was yesterday, right? Okay, maybe only a few weeks ago. What? A quarter century has passed? No. Not possible. Because I know there is a beautiful baby boy out there who was bald for two years before he sprouted the most amazing golden curls. I have forgotten his colic. I will deny he ever…

  • Perfect

    In the grand scheme of my life, of anyone’s life, this is meaningless. In the grand scheme of the past two months of my life, it is a very, very bright spot. Tonight, after driving back to Hell (read Key West) from the upper Keys, after securing what I hope is a job in the…

  • The Accidental Dinner

    A restaurant god exists somewhere out there, I am convinced, for the sole purpose of sending in a wonderful guest just when you despair that human beings are at their most hideous when they go out to dine. She came in exactly at five o’clock when we opened, pausing at the bar to chat with…

  • I was Gonna Make a Million Bucks

    A long, long time ago, well before I was a restaurant gal, I was going to make lot of money hosting children’s theme parties. I had an actual location, various theater-quality props, costumes, and a small army of high-school drama-club kids willing to serve cake and ice cream while dressed up as knights and astronauts…

  • Return to the Front Lines

    “What color are these tablecloths?” Um, beige? “No, the actual color. You know, like “Sandy Pebble” or some other real name of a color. I need to tell my sister’s decorator the color so she can get her carpet in this exact shade. It’s just what she’s been looking for!” Well, um…. “Maybe you could…

  • It’s a Love/Hate Thing to Live Here

    You will love the weather in Key West, especially when the cold fronts blow through and you can open your windows, hunker down under a blanket, and forget about the AC for a few days. You will hate the bad moods in which the cold fronts put the tourists, and you will grow weary of…