Winners All Around

For two days, I have been writing about hope and leaving behind bad feelings and practicing new beginnings in old places. I am still writing that post. I might actually post it someday soon.

But tonight, I must digress. Tonight I must write about picking winners.

Being solo, with no one I knew sitting around me at the sports bar notorious for terrible service, and with only a handful of new Jayhawaks fans sitting nearby, but with a number of friends and family texting all evening from all corners of the states…it happened. Both teams I picked for the NCAA basketball finals are in it–Memphis and Kansas.

I wore my Jayhawks T-shirt all day to give them the edge over North Carolina. I explained to those who asked that I never went to KU, but how RG Daughter and I are the ‘Hawks biggest fans ever. I explained to those still listening how RG Daughter’s and my new-found loyalty got Kansas U. to the Orange Bowl, and how we knew we would get them to the basketball finals, too. Oh sure, I am happy that my chances for a pool win just skyrocketed because those cute ‘Hawks won, again. But I am more happy that I picked a winner, again.

Pushing my good sports karma to its outer limits tonight, I even got the manager of the mediocre sports bar to put the Capitals vs. the Panthers on one of the 14 large-screen TVs, when all were tuned to the basketball finals. The manager said he would, “As long as you eat and drink a lot.” Sure. I haven’t eaten much today.

Tonight, the Caps won, and they are now in the playoffs. They got it done, just like Memphis did, just like my Jayhawks did. And for the record, I ate a burger and fries and quaffed several glasses of wine. I also tipped the bartender 30 percent because I sat in one place for four hours. I am pretty sure I met the “a lot” limit.

There is absolutely nothing like being on the winning side–in my case, on three winning sides in one night. Picking winners pushes all angst aside. Picking winners makes you feel like a winner. Picking winners is sheer, blind luck coupled with the Gods knowing exactly when you need to feel like a winner.

Rock Chalk Jayhawks on Monday night!






5 responses to “Winners All Around”

  1. Hawkfan Avatar

    Hi Gal – How about them ‘Hawks?! Things did get a little dicey in the 3rd quarter didn’t they? Mass Street has been one big street party…Rock Chalk!!

  2. Junior Avatar

    Rock Chalk JayHawk!!!! Can’t wait for the National Championship game!!! GO BLUE!!!

  3. Bob Avatar

    Thanks for sending us some good karma. Hope they hang on tonight Let’s hope that Self chooses to stay. Apparently T. Boone Pickins has deep pockets. The Jim Rome show today was talking about $40 Million, 4 million a year and a 6 million bonus. Yikes.
    Go Hawks

  4. m Avatar

    Congrats on the Jayhawks win!

  5. Meditrina Avatar

    Rock Chalk is right on. Great team, and an exciting game. I have been reading your blog for awhile, but never knew you are a KU fan. Awesome.