At first, it was just a group of four gentlemen in suits.
“We have a private party in one of your rooms,” said one.
“The others are on their way. They will be here in five minutes or so,” said another.
I considered their neatly combed hair, and very much noticed their subdued red and blue ties that had neither neon orange or lime green in them. I examined their brown and black shoes, the polished toes of which just barely peeked out from under their cuffed pants, an office suite and more apart from the usual high-end sneakers and designer flip flops that are considered “business casual” in these parts.
Two women soon joined the group, both wearing tailored black suits and toting computers and very important documents in their Franklin Covey bags. They had neither surgically sculpted breasts (or at least I couldn’t tell if they had them because they wore blouses buttoned UP to there) nor extended hair. Oh sure, they had the highlights and the roots…wait, roots.
I know these people, I thought to myself. Don’t I?
They mingled over wine and simply poured drinks. They wore name tags, and each guest looked at these tags to seem like they were on a first-name basis with the other. They were ready to be seated without fanfare or waving of hands or use of the word, “Hey!”
“See that large group?” I said to the host. “I know them.”
“You do?” she asked, clearly astonished.
“Well, not literally. But I know them,” I smiled.
“Oh, but…” she was clearly confused.
“They aren’t from around here. Look at the women. Hell, look at the men!”
The host stared at them.
“Those are my people,” I told her. “The ones I left behind. I used to think they were the most boring, all-alike people in the world.”
“Well, I can tell they are kind of…” the host’s voice trailed off.
Kind of what? All-around conservative? All business? All about the dinner meeting? All about all the work to do later?
For years and years–for all my life, really–these were the only people I knew. By the time I left D.C., I saw them as uniformed hues of steel gray and navy blue set against pinstriped backgrounds, subjects for the perfect black-and-white-photo, with only the tiniest splash of color tossed in for visual interest.
Five weeks into my new hometown experience, I now merely glance at the spill-over cleavage straining against brightly colored jersey bodices, rather than wonder what the hell the wearers were thinking when they tried on these costumes at the crazy-priced boutiques. I barely giggle anymore at the men’s poorly spiked and overly gelled hair styles, but I continue to stare in puzzlement at the designer baseball hats they won’t remove and the wrinkled linen they wear that sometimes resembles shirts.
But here, in my bar, on this night, I stared and stared and stared some more at the dark blue and dark gray suits.
I have no idea where they were actually from. They could have been from West Palm or even Naples, for all I know. But I know this: they were my people, from a world ago.
6 responses to “My Peeps”
Can’t tell if you were slightly bored with their Stepford-like conformity, or mildly comforted by it. Are we starting to see the amusing personalities that will fuel the ever more lively posts that South Florida offers? Take what you can, RG, I see possibilities. I enjoy seeing it all again through fresh eyes. Quite the smorgasbord for someone as observant and erudite as you!
i sorta kinda know how you feel. i can’t tell whether you’re mildly comforted or whether you’re just sad to see people from “the old country.” sigh.. i so know how it feels. another lovely post, RG.
Ex RM and Molly–I actually felt wistful at seeing them. And mildly comforted, in a way.
I know those people too. Great writing rg!
Soon, you will start to enjoy the South Florida dress code… Youre probably more of the conservative type. I moved here from MA and I was similar. I didnt like to be around homosexuals, and I dressed very conservative. Since then, things have changed in a major way and I imagine you will likely experience the same. I now really dont care about someone’s sexual preference or how they carry themselves because of it and I am now really enjoying the sense of fashion in Miami. Its unlike anywhere else, except for Los Angeles really. Trust me, it wont be long before you become one of us!
Blind mind–I am still getting used to this dress code. I welcome it, on the one hand, and I am still rendered aghast by it, on the other. Of course, I thoroughly enjoy the freedom I now feel to wear whatever I want, whenever I want. Except at work, of course.