Gone for this Week

My beloved grandmother died quite suddenly this evening.

Thus, I am out of town for this upcoming week to travel west to support my aunt and celebrate this unbelievable woman’s life. I can only hope to be as independent as she was when I am her age–living in my own house, on my own, and driving (!)–at age 96.

To the angels I know are listening: Tell my grandmother, “I love you, sweet ‘Mo Mo.’ I will miss you every day of my life from now on.”

More when I return in a week.

–The Gal






23 responses to “Gone for this Week”

  1. Bill Avatar

    OMG RG, I’m so sorry to read that. My sincerest condolences. If your loss is anywhere as heart-breaking as my grandmother’s passing was, I feel for you. Although my grandmother was in a nursing home for around a year with Alzheimer’s, the shell that was there was not my Southern Belle, strong-willed, tart-tongued, Hell-on-wheels, Matriarch of a Grandma. I said her Eulogy, and got smiles, knowing nods, and more than a few snickers with tales of my Grandma and me. All I had at that moment were truly fond memories. I know I got a few questionable looks on the plane while I was writing it on the way there. On my tray-table were two mini-bottles of wine and my legal pad, and I was alternately laughing and crying (coming close right now, too). Only good memories survive.

    Quite a personal revelation for someone who’s only been lurking on your sight for a couple days, but I feel like I know you, now that I’ve spent hours perusing your archives. Only a truly nice person could write how you do, and your latest post truly touched my heart. My condolences to you and your family.


  2. Bill Avatar

    Darn, I should have told you how I tricked her into trying Escargot, heehee. Good times, indeed.

    P.S. Tell the Flight Attendants to stop whining.

  3. Aaron DeLay Avatar

    My sympathies and understanding to you RG. Hope all is well otherwise and you’re allowed to laugh, cry and smile through it all..

  4. caramaena Avatar

    My condolences RG.

  5. Amanda Avatar

    I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful and beloved woman.

  6. Kim Ayres Avatar

    My thoughts are with you.

  7. question girl Avatar

    my condolances..

    i have mixed personal emotions when it comes to thoughts of the after life…but i felt a chill come over me when i read this today when i read your words to the angels you know that are listening….. i often wonder if my grandparents are w/ me…

    my best friend at work thinks that i sense things (she once handed me her jewlery and asked me what i though about it… i told her what reasons i though were behind the giving of it to her & she said i was spot on~ the other day i felt someone was watching me.. and hour later i reccieved a text from an ex saying he was at the charity event at my school looking for me)

    so maybe those chills were my grandparents telling me that they were passing on your message to your grandmother….

  8. SueyBear Avatar

    Hi RG, I remember when my grandma died, I was here in the US and couldn’t make it back to England.
    My family planned the funeral so that it was at a reasonable time for me to get up, and I went down to the beach with candles and flowers. Mum had sent me a copy of the service, so I was able to follow most of it.
    As the service was coming to an end, the sun was coming up over the ocean, and I threw my flowers in. The seagulls at the edge of the water were taking off for a new day, apart from one who couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything for him, and watched as the incoming tide crashed over him.
    As the waves washed him away, I whispered “goodbye grandma”, and I do believe that the gull was there to take one last message to the beloved matriarch whom I still deeply miss.

    My condolences to you and your family…….there’s one more star in the sky tonight.

  9. Fat Lazy Guy Avatar

    My condolences to you and yours, RG.

  10. m Avatar

    A thousand condolances to you for the loss of your dear grandmother. Coincidentally, I read your post while I was missing my own grandmother – today would have been her birthday. May you find comfort in the love and support of family and friends as you travel this path.

  11. Jaime Avatar

    i’m so sorry.

  12. The Lavatory Lady Avatar

    I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother’s passing; It sounds like she was a great woman. I just love to hear about people who retain their independence into their 90’s. It gives me hope.-

  13. Julie Avatar

    My sympathies to you and your family. It sounds like she had a full and active life — something we all hope for.

  14. Jennifer Avatar

    Condolences to you and your family.

  15. savannah Avatar

    my condolences to you and yours.

  16. Gamestore Girl Avatar

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. She sounds like an amazing woman.

  17. jali Avatar

    (((((((((((((((((((((you and your family)))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Eris Avatar

    Restaurant Gal, I’ve been reading your blog for… forever, it seems. I know you can’t really tell everything through the internet, but from your posts you seem to be an amazing woman. I have no doubt that anyone related to you would have to be just as awesome. I’m sure your grandmother is blessed, in the heaven you would give her when you dream.

    My condolences.

  19. Jeni Avatar

    You are lucky you had her that long.

  20. kl Avatar

    I am so sorry; I wish you and your family the best.

  21. s Avatar

    Prayers to you. safe trip home….

  22. dixiedee Avatar

    I lost my Grandma exactly three weeks before you lost yours. I understand how you feel. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I still miss my Grandma everyday.