Mock Me

Our first day of “real” mock service was, to say the least, an eye opener.

I already know one host has to go. I am pretty sure one of the servers is history, maybe two.

The food was unbelievable–that is, great. The FOH sucked–that is, my realm.

No, we weren’t the worst we could be. We just sucked.

I sucked, too, for that matter. Think brain freeze. Think inability to process reasonable thought in any coherent fashion. And we weren’t even busy!

Why, oh, why didn’t I remember this from helping to open the other place? Why, oh, why didn’t I listen to that little voice of doubt that asked several weeks ago, “Really, another opening? Another new restaurant? Really?”


The devil is in the details, and we’re all going to Hell, I guess.

Tomorrow is a make-good day: Make good with Chef, make good with the sous chefs, make good with the guests who will be trying us out again or for the first time. Make good on the commitment to excellence and find a way to be better than simply less horrible tomorrow and figure excellence will follow very soon….

It better. Because that kitchen puts out some of the best food I have ever tasted in my life. No lie.

No more mocking it.






One response to “Mock Me”

  1. LB Avatar

    Don’t lose faith yet. It’s always surprising how bumpy things are in the very beginning (and not just in a restaurant, but in life!), but equally surprising how quickly things can come together. In another month you’ll look back on this time in disbelief – did you ever really feel that clueless?