Category: South Florida Living

  • Time Off, Time Out–Perfect Timing

    Take one best sister friend from Montana, add her two beautiful daughters, fold in a Fall wedding for one in Tahoe, and poof!–the perfect opportunity for a sliver of a vacation. I don’t know the last time in the past five years that I’ve gotten away, away–really far away from SoFla to someplace entirely new.…

  • I Won! I Won!

    “Sure, I’ll buy a ticket,” I tell the local Keys organizer of a military charity drive. “But do I have to be present to win? I’ll be at work in Fort Lauderdale when you have the drawing.” “No! Just leave us a phone number. We’ll call you if you win!” he says. “You have a…

  • A Concert We Will Go!

    I don’t know the last time I went to a concert. Okay, that’s a lie. When RG Daughter was in high school and was studying “The 60s” in history class (yeah, I know), she became obsessed with the Rolling Stones’ contribution to the music of that fine historical era. “We have to go see them,”…

  • Coveted Snow-Free Status

    A dear and wonderful D.C. girlfriend posted this startling statistic on my personal Facebook page: “Just a little tidbit of current trivia: the only state in the union without snow on 1/11/11 is Florida…” I knew, of course, the weather was horrible throughout the southeast. I also knew the horribleness was about to spread to…

  • Santa’s Coming to Town

    Where Santa hears wishes for gifts in the mall-less Keys.

  • Thank You South Florida Daily Blog

    A recent RG post, “Alone in Time,” garnered recognition from readers and editors at the popular site South Florida Daily Blog. Many thanks, SFDB, for this current recognition, as well as for highlighting various RG posts in your daily “sifts.” Given the quality of writing in the South Florida blogging world, it’s a great compliment…

  • Alone in Time

    “I’m going to your neighborhood this weekend to pay my respects,” said one of my regulars from two of the three bars I still tend. “Really?” I asked, knowing this would be quite a trek for him. “I’m getting on the bus and going there to be alone when I remember,” he nodded. “I don’t…

  • Whacky Keys Wildlife

    When I first moved to South Florida, I lived in complete and abject fear that I was destined to share my home with the dreaded Palmetto bug–aka the Florida version of a giant, disgusting cockroach. “Everyone has them, battles them,” I was told over and over again by Fort Lauderdale friends. Not this gal. I…

  • Water World–Or How the Sandbar Changed My Life

    “You must snorkel and fish and be out on the water all the time!” says everyone and anyone who has vacationed here for those purposes. At the year-and-a-half mark of my living in the Keys, the following pathetic statistics bear witness to my landlocked life here: I have been fishing once, never snorkeled, and can…

  • Mosquito Man

    “Hi,” he said, way too awake and far too jovial for my morning crowd. “Let me introduce myself.” My regulars grudgingly looked up and silently acknowledged his presence, then immediately turned back to their styrofoam cups of dark coffee. “Can I get you something from the bar?” I asked. “No, no. I’m here to introduce…